Friday, October 5, 2012

Teachers’ Day

Teachers get too many holidays…
they get too much pay…
they finish work at three…
Teachers drink coffee
and chat in the staffroom…
all day!
whinge, whine, whinge
I don’t know how long it’s been
since teacher-critics
have been in a school, but…
teachers work much harder
than they ever get recognised for.
 Much harder.
(Recent data suggests that
an average teacher works
10 hours and 40 minutes a day
– that’s a 53 hour week!)
Then, there’s this:
During an average school day,
teachers are spending:
an average of almost 5 hours on instruction
  • approximately 36 minutes on student supervision and discipline
  • 45 minutes planning, preparing, or collaborating with colleagues
  • 36 minutes on grading and analyzing student work
  • almost 15 minutes communicating with parents
That leaves teachers with
a whopping 23 minutes for lunch!
No wonder I often go home
with lunch uneaten
and busting for the toilet!
Teaching is not easy…
it’s hard work…
rewarding, but hard work…
What I do in a day
can make a huge difference.
That looks that crosses a student’s
 face when they finally grasp
 a concept they have
 been struggling with…
 that’s amazing! 
 The moments you feel the class
 hanging off your ever word…
total engagement and enthusiasm…
that’s amazing!
When you see them
reach their goals and watch
 their confidence grow…
That’s why we do it.
That’s why we teach.
Unfortunately, we have to
 deal with so much
inappropriate behaviour… 
We get judged and gossiped about…
We get yelled at
 and we crumble under
the never-ending work load…
And then, we put on a brave face,
 walk into our classroom
and create the magic of learning…
all over again.
Teachers are incredible.
They take baby people
and teach them to read…
to write…
to speak and to really listen. 
They teach little people to count
 and to think,
to believe and to imagine.
Life lessons are taught…
Frog lifecycles are explored
 and investigations on why
volcanoes erupt take place… 
 Teachers mend fights
between life-long friends
 and act as nurses
for a myriad of illnesses.
Teachers do so, so much more
than just teach
and absolutely deserve a day.
 Happy Teacher’s Day!
When I read this
 I had to grin.
I am a real teacher.
Picture from here.

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