Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Make Your Teddy Bear Do The Work

"Bring Your Teddy Bear
To Work" Day
My teddy had a trip
to my work yesterday.
(OK, we celebrated this day
a little early – but…
we needed the pictures!)
At first, he was full of beans
 and excitement,
ready for the day!

He had a turn in my chair
and sat, working on the computer.
 He thought everything was fun…
until I made him work
through his lunch break.
 He got most of my marking done,
but didn’t really enjoy
this part of the job.

 (He may have even fallen asleep!)
By the end of the day,
he was pretty tired and happy to com
e back to a quiet house!

1 comment:

snofrid said...

And this is called teaching?!