Saturday, February 18, 2012

Aspergers Day

International Aspergers Day
Today is a day to celebrate
the achievements of people
living with Aspergers Syndrome. 
This syndrome affects the way
the brain processes information.

 Aspergers kids love things
to be constant and predictable.
  They resist change.
They enjoy solitude –
often preferring to pull
away from social groups.
These kids have trouble
reading body language
and non-verbal cues,
which other people
respond to without thinking. 

They may really dislike
certain textures, sounds,
foods and objects –
for no apparent reason. 
They may take things
too literally. 
Often, they will focus absolutely
on minor things around them. 
While people with
Aspergers Syndrome
may have difficulties with
social interaction, they often
have incredible skills
in other areas. 
who are believed to be living with
 or have lived with
Aspergers Syndrome include:

William Gates
(think Microsoft),
Sir Alfred Hitchcock
(director and producer),
Sir Isaac Newton
Jane Austin
Albert Einstein
(think E=mc2),

Hans Christian Anderson
(writer of fairy tales),
Charles Darwin
Satoshi Tajiri
(Pokemon creator),
“Jim” Henson
(Sesame St & the Muppets),
Charles Schulz
(“Peanuts” cartoon creator),
(artist, architect and engineer),
George Orwell
(think Animal Farm),
Dan Aykroyd
(think Ghostbusters),
Thomas Edison
(think of light bulbs),
Woody Allen
Mark Twain
(think Huckleberry Finn)
and Henry Ford
(think cars).
Imagine a world
without Aspergers...

We’d probably still be living
in the dark,
without cars or music...
And I’ve always wondered
about a few people...
Temperance Brennan (Bones),
Sheldon Cooper (Big Bang Theory)
and Mr Bean.

Pictures from here
and here and
here and here.

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