Thursday, October 11, 2012

Coming Out Day

Society tells people to be themselves…
and they will find contentment.
But, sometimes…
being yourself is not
what society wants you to be.
 Today is Coming Out Day.
I think it’s much easier '
for today’s kids to “come out”.
They tend to do so earlier,
with less fuss and greater acceptance.
And, I guess… that’s because
“we” are prepared to accept this.
Being gay is not a choice
or a fashionable new trend…
It’s just a tiny detail
about a person's life.
I looked into suicide rates in Australia,
especially among gay Aussies
and I was so pleased to learn
 that suicide numbers
have continued to fall
since 1997.
I have to wonder how society’s
acceptance of homosexuality
has impacted on these numbers...
It seems we may have moved
past the times when homosexuality
 was denied and hidden…
when lives were not really lived
because of it.
Way back, when I was a teenager
and living in rural Thailand,
my eyes were first opened
to the openness of gay men
 and transvestites.
Thai society –even back then-
 was so accepting…
teenaged boys were so comfortable
with their sexuality…
and then, I returned to Australia
and really saw how closed-minded
 our society was.
Finally, we are more like
the Thai people…
whether or not a person is gay
is no longer a deciding factor
on whether they are good,
intelligent or worthy…
Famous gay people have helped
 lead the way, I guess.

 Kids today will have less fear
 about "coming out”.
They are free to enjoy a gay
life from a much earlier age
than earlier generations.
Two men,
who have endured endless rumours
 and gossiping…
two men who have lived together
for decades…
two men who are happy together,
 and yet…
are not prepared to publicly admit
 to a gay relationship,
are Ernie and Bert. 

Unlike Noddy, they have continued
 to be young children’s first
introduction to the idea that
two men can live together.

This day really does need
to be celebrated.
(Least we slip back
into the darker ages!)
Wave your rainbow flags with pride.

(A side fact I found interesting:
The peak age-group for suicide
 in men is 85 years and over
(28.2 per 100,000 in 2009).
Over the last 10 years,
this group has consistently
had generally higher rates than
other age groups of men.)  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your side fact ..... Very sad
