Friday, May 18, 2012

Feeling Flushed

So, It’s Museum Day.
I don’t like museums much…
I learned that
while I was travelling. 
 The Lonely Planet books
would list all of the
must see attractions
and I would trudge off,
 so as not to miss out
on the “amazing museum”. 
 Finally, I gave in. 
 I admitted it. 
I don’t like museums…
well, most of them. 
 There is always the
landmine museum in Cambodia,
run by Aki Ra
and the cool
Forensic Museum in Bangkok… 
 And now,
I have learned of another museum…
 in India…
a toilet museum! 

The museum celebrates
the styles and designs
of toilets used worldwide,
throughout history. 

Enter the
Sulabh International
Museum of Toilets here.

it’s also
No Dirty Dishes Day! 
Another day I can celebrate

(Unless it means
that I MUST wash up
every dish
as soon as it even
 looks dirty...)

Photos from here.


Snofrid said...

I think it means there are to be no dirty dishes.... Putting them in the fridge doesn't count either!

The Hairy Cow said...

Oy!! That counts!!