Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Cocktails, Music and Chocolate...

Play Your Ukulele Day
& Scurvy Awareness Day
& National Truffle Day
(More for the
Crazy Day basket, I think…)
  I listed the three days
because none of them
really grabs my attention
and demands a blog-post…
Truffle Day might jag
my attention…
especially when I realise
that it is actually
Chocolate Truffle Day! 
These truffles date back
to 1895, France. 
Chocolate truffles are not like
 the super expensive truffles
 that are dug up by pigs
and cost a zillion dollars…
chocolate truffles are filled
with chocolate ganache,
covered in a hard chocolate shell
and dusted
with chocolate powder.  

They came around 60 years
after the guitar 
 it was small enough
to fit into a saddlebag,
 so could be carried
over the range.
   This little,
four stringed instrument
is typically known as a
Hawaiian instrument.
One interpretation
of the name is
“jumping flea” – named for
the speed fingers need to move
 when playing the ukulele.
(slightly less appealing,
and yet…
the one that caught
my attention first!)
Of course,
I imagine pirates! 
 Without vitamin C,
 our body starts falling apart…
 muscle and joint pain…
rash covered legs…
bleeding gums…
loose teeth…
(all that's missing
is a shoulder-sitting parrot!)
Without Vitamin C,
you will look ugly.
  For technical information,
visit this webpage. 
Apparently, this is not
just a disease for pirates… 
 people on restricted diets,
alcoholics and people
who have been very sick
may develop scurvy...
babies can develop scurvy
if they stop drinking 
 breast milk,
take up cow’s milk
and don’t drink juice
(or another food source
 which contains vitamin C).
So, how to celebrate this day? 
(Cut up a lime and
stick it on your head?)
I guess there’s nothing to it…
You play the ukulele,
munching on chocolate truffles
and then follow them down
with an evening cocktail
while sitting on
a Hawaiian beach…
too easy!
Photos from here,
here and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh no!!!! I hope we don't develop scurvy here! He has just given up the boob.... Drinks cows milk.... And often refuses juice.... Oh no!! Best cut up a lime and put it on his head tonight!