Friday, November 30, 2012

Lock Up Your Computer!

It's Computer Security Day

Now, this
is a serious business day!
I have been victim
to Trojan horses and viruses
 which galloped in
and took over my computer!
 Everything flashed…
pages opened and closed…
things shut down…
warnings were everywhere
and the sudden sense of panic
 and fear took me by surprise.
 I still do not remember
turning the internet protection
 off – but, somewhere along the line,
 I must have!

This day was established in 1988 –
 helping to raise awareness
of computer-related security issues.
 This is celebrated world-wide!
So, one way to look after
 your computer’s safety,
is to use good passwords.
So, here are a few
(commonly used)
dodgy passwords:
password (yep –
people actually use this!)
123456 and 12345678
(so much trickier!),
(while I love this…
using the first five letters
 on the keyboard
is not a good idea, apparently!)
letmein (I like this!)
 dragon (??)
111111 (ok, this feels dodgy!)
baseball (must be American!)
iloveyou (so sweet!)
and a few others
but I couldn’t be bothered
 adding them!
If you use one of these passwords
 – change it!
Change it, now!


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