Friday, November 16, 2012

Stepping Out

Take A Hike Day

(Double meaning!
There are a few people
I would like to tell
to take a hike!)
I’m guessing this
is a more positive,
get-in-touch-with-nature type day…
Take a Hike and enjoy the fresh air,
 get, fit, have a happy day! 
That’s what I’m assuming
 today is all about…
Though, you could be annoyed
 by others on the hike
and you may have to
 tell them to take a hike!
 Covers both versions of the day!
 – and, if the person gets angry
 and wants to hurt you,
 you can mutter
 that you meant –
Have a nice walk!

If you are frustrated by someone…
 a nice fast walk might get out
 some of the frustrations
and the endorphins released
 from exercising
might even make you happier!

In the words of Hippocrates
(The Ancient Greek Physician guy)
“Walking is man’s best medicine”
Sure, medicine has improved somewhat
 since Hippocrates’ days,
but… he makes a good point!

Take a hike!!


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