Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Today is a World’s First Day.
The last time I posted
about this topic,
we had just been told
my little nephew would later be
 diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Later has come and gone…
We have an official diagnosis.
Our Little Man could sit back
and complain that some of his
 brain messages don’t get
to the areas of his body
they should.
His gorgeous eyes don’t always
 pass on the images
of the beautiful things they see.
 His neck sometimes forgets
to hold his head up high
and sometimes, his little fingers
 curl in to fists.
 He’s learning so much,
but in his own time.
He’s an inspiration:
 his effort…
his determination…
 his patience…
 his happiness.
People could sit back and complain. 
They could whinge
and become frustrated
(which he sometimes does!).
 They could be dragged down
 by their misfortune.
World Cerebral Palsy Day
is giving people a chance
to make things better.
Around 17 million people,
living with cerebral palsy,
are being given the chance
to make their world better…
Or, at least, to suggest
what they would need
 to make their life easier.
Ideas will go on the
World Cerebral Palsy webpage.
Everyone can check the ideas out
 and vote on the concepts
they think will have the most
impact on improving their life.
At the end of September,
a panel will choose the best ideas,
 solutions and inventions…
In November, people will be
 invited to go on-line and suggest
 how these ideas
could be turned into realities.
From December,
the submissions will be reviewed…
And, the best thing…
The products
(currently just wishful thinking!)
will be launched this time next year
– on the 2nd
What an incredible idea!
Check out the ideas here.

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