Thursday, September 27, 2012

Can it

It’s Crush a Can Day.
I’ve been waiting
for this day for so long!
Crush a can!

So, today is far more important
 than simply crushing a can
 against your head.
Today is also about
focussing our attention
on the greener side of cans
 – recycling them!

Three cheers to Australia –
we have one of the highest
consistent aluminium can
recycling programs…
in the world!

The aluminium can industry
 is a leader in waste reduction
cans are being made
lighter every year.
Old cans can be turned
 into new cans…
Which reduces landfill!

In 1996, 1.64 billion cans
 were recycled!
Making new cans from old cans
takes far less resources
and energy than making
new cans from scratch.
I remember as a kid,
collecting cans,
stamping on them
and crushing them
and carting them to the
weighing place, where
 the bag of cans would be
 turned into a pile of coins...
That was such a great incentive
 for kids to recycyle.
Bring that back! 


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