Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Dog's Day

Special or Crazy Day…
You decide.
It’s Dogs in Politics Day
and Checkers Day.
I was intrigued about
Dogs in Politics Day…
I wondered the significance.
I figured there was a fantastically
 interesting story about dogs
and something incredibly intelligent
 they must have once done…
but, no.
Dogs in Politics Day
is simply a day to learn more
 about the dogs who lived
in the White House…
There was a little scandal. 
 Way back in 1952,
Richard M Nixon
was running for Vice President.
Apparently, the media assumed
Nixon was using part of an $18 000
campaign contribution for his own use.
 (In 1952,
that would be a chunk of money!)
 But, Nixon stood up
and told the people of America
that he was not using
 the money for his own use.
 But… there was one gift,
he kept.
Nixon was given a dog.
His daughters named the dog Checkers.
 The “I Didn’t Use the Money
 For Myself” speech
 became a famous one…
 and so, we celebrate Checkers Day
and Dogs in Politics Day.
 Special or Crazy?


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