Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tell the Kids...

Absolutely Incredible Kid Day
This sounds like another
 crazy day, created by some
 stranger in a far off place...

But, the idea behind today
is really lovely. 
A group known as the
Campfire Girls and Boys of America
came up with this day. 
It is celebrated today
as this is the anniversary
of the creation
of this organisation.
  Adults are invited to write
letters to the very special
and incredible kids
in their lives... 
It’s a chance for grown-ups
 to let the kids
know how much
they are loved and admired.
I don’t have any kids
at my place
and I hardly feel
like writing to the 30 kids
 I spend my days with
(though, don’t get me wrong...
there are some
incredible kids in that group!)
I do have four kids
I spend a lot of time with... 
They are each so different
and so incredible. 
I’ll be sure to tell them
 how incredible
I think they are.
It is, after all,
Absolutely Incredible Kid Day!
(Spread the word!)
Photos from here and here.

1 comment:

snofrid said...

They think their aunty cow is pretty incredible too!