Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Flutter By

Today’s the day
to learn about them.
Ok – fun facts:
Butterfly wings are transparent...
What?  But, they are. 

The wings have layers of chitin
(same stuff in our fingernails)
on them.  These layers
are also transparent.
Over the chitin,
is thousands of layers of tiny scales... 
and this is where
the colour is found.

Butterflies taste with their feet...

Butterflies enjoy liquid meals
 – always! 
They feed on nectar. 
Their huge proboscis
is like the longest straw
in the world...
They cannot chew.

As they emerge
from their pupal case,
their first thought
is their proboscis... 
This is in two parts
and they need to join these
 into one proboscis. 
 Apparently, young butterflies
can be seen curling and uncurling
their proboscis,
making sure it works properly!

Butterflies like mud! 
Nectar alone is not good enough
– they need minerals, too...
so, they drink from mud puddles!
 Males do this more often,
needing more salts and minerals
 for their sperm production.

Butterflies are cold blooded
and need the sun’s heat
to warm them
before they can fly.

A butterfly only lives
 for 2-4 weeks.

Butterflies are cool.

  Photos from here,
here and here.

1 comment:

snofrid said...

Who would have thought something so small.would have so many interesting facts!