Friday, March 23, 2012

Parents of Preemies

 13 million each year...
10% of annual births...
...Are premature births.
Almost a million babies die,
 as a result of being born too early
 – each year...
within their first month.
Lives are turned upside down.
Control is lost...
Time stops.
2012 sees the introduction
of a new Special Day.
The 23rd of March is
Parents of Preemies Day.
Research is showing that
preemie parents suffer
psychologically, following
their babies birth.
Preemie parents learn
a new language,
as their baby fights for life...
  Inside a plastic cage –
 far from loving arms,
parents learn the sounds
and actions of an alien room.  

A study followed
18 preemie parents. 
After 4 months,
3 were diagnosed
with post Traumatic
 Stress Syndrome. 
Another seven were considered
“at high risk”
for the disorder. 
(That’s more than half...)
  Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome
is a mental illness
suffered after living through
 extreme conditions –
 think war, car accidents
 and severe physical assaults... 
Finally, it is being recognised
that parents dealing
with the intensity of
premature babies suffer
in the same way
as people
 stuck in war-torn nations...
amid bombs and gunfire... 
(such is the pressure
of watching a
premature baby fight for life...
 ...every day!)

In the NICU (hospital), 
there are constant
alarms and noises...
people die.
You don’t know who will die
 and who won’t  -
but the possibility,
while you may deny it...
is very real.
Preemie parents can have
bad news thrown at them
– over and over
and over again...
Interestingly, preemie dads
 cope better while their baby
 is in the hospital –
but showed higher
 post traumatic stress syndrome
 stress than the mothers –
 once their baby was home.
If there are celebrations
for so many
of the little things in life,
 there should absolutely
be celebrations for the amazing
strength required
of preemie parents
(and the people who take
 the steps with the parents...)
While joining the
Parents of Preemies “club”
 happens by accident...
and is undesirable...
once you’re in – you’re in.
Parents of Preemies –
embrace your day!
You deserve a day!

Parents of Premmies on facebook,
 the webpage,
and the post traumatic stress

1 comment:

snofrid said...

What a cute little model.... Little turd!