Friday, December 21, 2012

Bar Hum Bug

Humbug Day

I’m guessing this is for those
anti-Christmas types…
and, I don’t mean those
who celebrate
different religious events
instead of the birth of Christ -
which to all kids
means the arrival of Santa!
I mean those people
who just don’t believe
 in Santa (What?)
or those who just don’t want
 to be swept up
in the Christmas Cheer…
Perhaps, they just don’t l
ike those carols!
Sadly, I am feeling a little this way
 at the moment.
I cannot believe how busy
I have been lately.
I am longing for the time
when I can lie back a
nd just relax for a little while.
Work has been amazingly busy,
 with obligations
and commitments rolling in,
one after the other.
On Wednesday, just as things
were about to ease up
 and the kids were about to
start their holidays…
one of my girls
broke her collar bones.
Nasty for her!
Fiddly paperwork for me!
Today, however, finally…
is my last day of work!
We’ll enjoy some bacon and eggs
 for breakfast
and will pretend to be interested
 in our fellow teachers
as they present to us
about Literacy and Numeracy.
 After celebrating the end of
the year last night,
a few people may need
 the grease of the bacon
and listening may become
very difficult… but,
it’s the last day!
There will be a few of my locals
 gathering at a nearby
watering hole this evening,
 downing a little bubbly
and celebrating the fact
that we have made it!
 I think, with a little bubbly
and a few laughs,
and no more deadlines looming
 (apart from Santa’s arrival
and Christmas Day!)
I will have a little less
 of the bar-humbug-ness
and a little more
Christmas Cheer.

How’s your Humbug-ness?

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