Thursday, February 2, 2012

Punxsutawney Phil

Here’s a great word – Punxsutawney
It sounds cool
It looks cool
and it’s fun to say.
So, today is Punxsutawney Phil’s day...

Every February 2nd, Punxsutawney Phil pops his head out of his burrow in Gobblers Knob, Pennsylvania.  He checks the weather...  He looks for his shadow... and then, this little groundhog makes his weather prediction.
If Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow – there will be another six weeks of wintery weather.  If, however, Punxsutawney Phil does not see his shadow, spring will arrive a little early.  Once Punxsutawney Phil has worked out what the weather will be doing, he tells Mr Groundhog Club President in a language known as “groundhogese”. (Apparently, only Punxsutawney Phil and the current President are fluent in this language.)
Incredibly, today’s Punxsutawney Phil is the original groundhog!  He is celebrating his 126th Ground Hog Day this year.
That’s all well and good, but the average groundhog only lives for about 7 years.
How does he do it!?
Punxsutawney Phil has a secret stash of a magical “elixir of life” drink.  He has a couple of sips every summer at the Groundhog Picnic.  With every sip, Punxsutawney Phil gets an additional seven years of life.
I wonder what Punxsutawney Phil will decide today?

1 comment:

snofrid said...

He went for more winter!!