Friday, October 28, 2011

A Rhinoceros Stampede

With a horn growing
to over a metre long,
if a rhino runs in your direction...
you're in trouble!

We drew rhinos this week.
The kids are loving
the chalky backgrounds...

Rhinos spray urine
to tell other rhinos
where their territory is...

When two males meet,
the smaller male
will often lie down,
to show the bigger male
that he doesn't want to fight...

Their horn is made of "stuff"
similar to our fingernails and hair...

... so, it's surprising
that their horns are so valued...
valued enough for poachers
to kill the protected rhino,
just to sell the horn.

Mothers move away
to give birth to their calf... 
I guess another adult
could easily kill
the newborn calf
by stepping on it!

The black rhinoceros
is one of the most
endangered animals in Africa.

The black rhino
has a prehensile lip...
it's pointed...

... while the white rhino
has a wider mouth.

Their foot print
is shaped
like the ace of spades!

The kids now think
that the black rhino
and the white rhino
are "pretty cool".

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