Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Animal's Day

October 4th...
... World Animal Day.
I do like animals...
they are pretty cool.
World Animal Day started in 1931
Mostly to highlight the
endangered animals of the world.
Now, people all over the world
celebrate the animals in our lives
on Animal Day.
The organisers want us to do something
to show love and respect for animals – all animals...
The mission statement covers four things:
1.     Celebrate animal life in all forms...  I guess this means that we need to celebrate all of the critters – even slugs!  As slimy and disgusting as slugs are, they are still pretty cool.  Their colours are pretty – if you’re brave enough to look closely... and that breathing hole on the side of their foot... cool!
2.     Celebrate humankind’s relationship with the animal kingdom... (and I’m sure inappropriate sheep jokes are not what they mean!)  I don’t really have any relationship with the slugs in my garden – nothing positive, anyway!  But... what about dung beetles!  Without these little beetles, the world would be covered in poo!  I’m glad that there are dung beetles in the world!
3.     Acknowledge the diverse roles that animals play in our lives (companions, support & wonder)...  It’s incredible how dogs are trained to support people who can’t see or hear.  And dolphins, who swim with people who mostly need them, knowing the impact they are having on those people.  The wonder part is easy – ever stared into the eyes of an elephant, held the side of a tiger as it yawned or watched a spider suck the juices out of a wasp... cool.
4.     To acknowledge and be thankful for animals...  I couldn’t name my favourite animal.  I just love their strange peculiarities.
Polar bears for their black skin  
giraffes for their tongue  
hippos for the way their splash their poo
caterpillars for the way they turn into butterflies
sloths for only coming to ground once a week to poo 
and hairy coos for the way they look!
Today, World Animal Day...
... I’m even grateful for slugs!

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