Saturday, March 19, 2011

Those who can't...

I'd think I'd like to fancy myself as a bit of an artist...
but I think I'd be kidding myself.
So, I'm led to thinking about the old saying:
Those who can't... teach.
At the moment, 29
10 & 11 year old kids are under my influence.
Scary thought, isn't it.
29 kids are being shaped into my way of thinking...
my way of doing...
and their parents (mostly) are happily going along with it.
While I make sure that I am meeting the required teaching time for literacy and numeracy and I try to keep up with the science, HSIE, fitness and sport timetables...
my favourite subject is creative arts.
It doesn't take long before my kids love it too.
Here's what we've been doing:
Ourselves - in oil pastels
Huge icebergs, floating in deep Antarctic waters
Emperor penguins - in oil pastels
and their little chicks - in charcoal and seals
Now... we are learning to draw faces with charcoal pencils and soft pastels, smudging and blurring lines as we go. Their first attempts have been great. I'll post their efforts after we've had a chance to refine our skills a little.

1 comment:

Telela said...

They are brilliant. Your room must look great!