Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Overcoming Bullies

I'm a teacher...
An educator of tomorrow's future.
One of my students is being teased...
laughed at...

I was told about it today.
I should do something...
But the people who are teasing her
are her parents.
This 11 year old girl
has just started doing her homework.

And... her parents are laughing at her.
They're questioning her
about her "crazy" behaviour.
She spoke of this to another teacher
who then passed it on to me.
This girl is loving Maths right now.
She gets most questions wrong...
but she no longer
copies her answers from classmates.
She's proud of her ability...
She believes in herself.
She's now ready to learn.
I'm proud of her
for rising above ridicule
and stepping out into an uncertain world,
regardless of the negativity around her.

What a brave girl!


Telela said...

That should be a reportable DOCs offence!

The Hairy Cow said...

How can she expect to succeed? Guess it can't be proven...

Wenlen said...

Maybe a little extra time and care in class to support her, very hard one to decide how to help