Tuesday, March 16, 2010


I can't believe that I am actually posting these photographs! I have talked myself into it, knowing that the Hairy Cow's audience is a small and trusted group - who have mostly seen these pictures anyway!
Here goes...
This is Jillian. She's Canadian - and the people at our school had great difficulty telling us apart! For the briefest blip in my life, Jillian was the most stable and trusted person in my life. She was my support and my strength. She was my happiness. Together, we had the strength to survive all that was strange and new. I have not known where she is for over 15 years.
There were many people who loved dressing the foreign girls up, caking us with make-up and teasing our hair. We always felt over-sized and awkward in the Thai Dance clothes.
Here we are, posing at school - ready to dance (hair happily not teased!).
Here I am, leading the Year 11 girls around my town's streets...
I can't remember what dance this is....
I am pretty sure that the guys are digging for those pesky crabs and us girls, well... we are probably lifting up the basketful of crabs in celebration of a great catch! Do you notice the looks of joy on everyone's face... I can't remember, but lets say that we danced like this for at least an hour! see... elegant - not so much. sweaty - definitely!

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