Thursday, June 14, 2012

It's Time To Smile!

Right now, our lives
are a perfect example
of today’s special day. 
There’s not much going on
 that we can celebrate
right now…
in fact, everything
is up the proverbial creek
and no one seems
to have a paddle. 
We’re being swirled away
in the currents,
riding the rapids and
 hoping like nothing else
that we make it through
the other side
as fast as we can. 
And yet,
with all of this going on,
I have smiled each day. 

Today is
Power of a Smile Day.
Jokes and stupid,
ridiculous pictures
have kept me going.
The Power of a Smile
has kept me going. 

There is research and “proof”. 
Endorphins are released
when we smile. 
Endorphins are happy messages
– chemical messages that travel
 down our spine
and around our body
– spreading the happy message. 
A simple smile
can reduce our pain,
our anxiety, our stress…
Apparently, endorphins
are as powerful as morphine!
(It’s just easier to get
your hands on endorphins!)  

The Power of a Smile
is not something
to be dismissed lightly.
Use today as a reason
to smile at everyone you pass.
You never know how much
they may need one.

Photos from here and here.

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