Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's Chocolate... It's Ice-cream

Chocolate Ice-cream Day
Ok… If you insist!

Challenge yourself to confirm this:
it takes 50 licks to finish off
 a single serve ice-cream cone.
Being Chocolate Ice-cream Day,
 I’d also challenge you to buy
 heaps of chocolate ice-cream…
This flavour is being beaten
 by plain, old vanilla…
for just today,
it would be nice for chocolate
 ice-cream to kick vanilla
ice-cream’s butt!
(Chocolate flavoured topping
 is the most popular!)
The major ingredient
in ice-cream is …

The most popular day
to buy ice-cream is Sunday. 
The largest eaters of ice-cream
 are kids aged between 2 and 12…
then we diet for a few years,
 and then we give up all
pretence of dieting
and kick back into
ice-cream eating
once we hit the age
of 45.

Now I have a deep freezer,
I have room for ice-cream. 
And chocolate is my favourite!
Photos from here and here.
Facts and trivia from here.


snofrid said...

Does having one last night count??? Surely it does!

The Hairy Cow said...

Give or take a week still counts, I reckon!