Sunday, January 29, 2012

Puzzling Chips

So... In mere hours,
I will be back at work. 
My time will be scheduled for me. 
Like Pavlov’s Dogs, I
 will be responding to the ringing of bells.

Already, my head is starting to prepare itself for the thousands of questions, instructions, pieces of information, schedules and upcoming events which will start flooding in, with the ringing of the first bell, on Monday morning.

My almost-working brain
has also turned itself to The Hairy Cow....
the poor, almost neglected Cow.

This year, I’ll blog about interesting people I discover and interesting things that happen.  I will continue to recognise important dates and occasions.  Many of these were set up as fund-raisers for sad situations, like sickness and early death... So, in order to add a little wacky-cheerfulness, I’ll blog about crazy celebration days too.  Why not? Every Special Day was thought up by someone and there are so many, that people have started to recognise ridiculous things.

I’ve felt a few moments of regret this afternoon. 
I can’t believe how many wonderful days
I was unable to celebrate this year. 
I’ll list a few:

Run Up The Flagpole and See If Anybody Salutes it Day...
 Humiliation Day...
Drinking Straw Day...
Trivia Day...   
Peculiar People Day...  
Step In A Puddle and Splash Your Friend Day...
Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day...   
Answer Your Cat’s Questions Day and
Measure Your Feet Day.

Luckily, I didn’t miss today’s events!

It’s Puzzle Day! 
And... It’s Corn Chip Day.

Corn chips?  Well, we’ve been
eating them for 50 years,
so ... why not?

And puzzles...  Way back in 1760 John Spilsbury lived in London.  He was an engraver and a map-maker.  He created the first jigsaw puzzle.  He mounted one of his maps on some hardwood and cut around the borders of the countries.  We’ve come a long way since that first jigsaw puzzle.  So, today’s challenge... grab a bag of corn chips and your favourite puzzle.... could be a cryptic crossword, a jigsaw, a find a word, a rubrics’ cube or some word puzzles.  Munch on the chips as you solve the puzzle.

If you don’t have any puzzles...

1.  What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

2.            You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and throw away the inside. What did you eat?

3.            What goes up and down the stairs without moving?

4.            What can you catch but not throw?

5.            I can run but not walk. What am I?

6.            What's black and white and red all over?

7. What goes around the world but stays in a corner?

8.            I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What am I?

How’d you go? Did you finish those chips?


snofrid said...

3-rail, 4-cold, 6-newspaper.
I know I know the others, but I'm tired!

The Hairy Cow said...

Great effort! Puzzle Day loves you for it! Check the latest post.