Monday, January 30, 2012

Pop Pop Pop

I almost missed this one!
(Thanks for the reminder!)
Bubble Wrap
Is there anything more fun than stamping all over a huge sheet of bubble wrap, setting of a fire-works-worthy noise!  Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day is celebrated on the last Monday of January each year. (Yes... each year! This is an annual event!  It started in 2001 – a Radio Station was responsible for the creation of Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day.  I can’t believe it took this long for Bubble wrap Appreciation Day to come about... Bubble wrap has been around for over 50 years!)

Bubble Wrap was invented in 1957 by two guys who wanted to make plastic wallpaper with a paper backing.  Great idea, right? Well, unfortunately, the idea did not take off, but... Marc Chavannes and Al Fielding had accidentally created a cushioning packaging material.  Now this is an idea which did take off!  They raised $9000 to fund a developmental production line. Today, their company is the leading worldwide manufacturer of all kinds of bubbly-wrap-stuff.  Their $9000 has become an annual revenue of over $3billion.

And for the quirky fact:
Apparently, “One minute of popping bubble wrap equates to the same tension release as a 30 minute massage!”  What an incredibly time efficient tension reliever...
and cheap, too!
Get thee to the Bubble Wrap –
Before the cat has all the fun!

1 comment:

snofrid said...

Someone very important must have provided that quote!