Monday, September 19, 2011

Reasons to Visit Australia

I had a dream the other night...
I was digging in the garden,
I pulled up a piece of bark...
and there, curled up... sleeping
was a black snake.
It never bit me, though.
But the idea of a deadly beast
Lurking in my backyard...
Waiting to get me....
So, it’s time for this post.
Australia – The Land of the Deadly.
We had Oprah visit Australia
in the hope that her comments
and love for our nation
would encourage people
from all over the world
to flock to our gorgeous country.
And Australia is gorgeous...
.... but some of the animals aren’t!
3 minutes.
That’s all you have after
the box jellyfish gets you...
Those 80cm long tentacles wrap around you in a soft embrace and three minutes later, you’re in cardiac arrest. 
This is Australia’s deadliest. 
In jellyfish season, you’d be crazy to swim in the north of Australia – even covered in stockings as protection!
And it’s not just the box jellyfish waiting for you in the northern waters...
Swimming gracefully,
barely rippling the surface is the Salty...
the saltwater crocodile. 
Beautiful animal... but not so friendly.
 It can grow to seven metres long.
It’s teeth can rip your limbs
from your body...
It can even jump up and
grab your legs as they dangle
from a tree branch.

A rather plain, ordinary
little guy is the blue-ringed octopus...
Plain until it is stirred...
Then, the octopus’ gorgeous
blue rings flare up. 
You don’t want to be bitten, though...
The blue-ringed octopus will definitely make you sick, if not dead.
(True story – kids have taken shells home from the beach, played with them in the bath and been bitten by the octopus, which had taken cover inside the shell!)

If you haven’t decided to avoid the beaches...
The stonefish is another deadly beach creature.
It looks like a rock,
so you probably won’t see it
before you tread on it...
or try to pick it up...
You won’t notice at first,
that extremely toxic venom
has been injected into your body...
But you’ll feel the agony soon enough!
You might only have two hours to live!
So – best head out to sea?
And greet the Great White!
Up to five metres long...
About 1 300 kilograms...
2 800 teeth...
These animals attack once
And wait...
While the blood pours out of your body...
draining you of life.
So, you head out to
the safety of the bush...
Yeah, right!
Australia has six of the
top ten
World’s Deadliest Snakes!
That’s sure something to brag about!
The Brown – one of the worst.
Without anti-venom,
don’t expect to live long
after one of these guys gets you.
The Tiger Snake...
Yeah, you can die from this one, too.
Then there’s the Taipan...
Oh and the Death Adder.
Now you know why some Aussies
stomp around in the bush...
they’re scaring away the snakes!
So, stick to the towns....
And face the spiders!
Red Backs – but don’t worry,
Only the female is dangerous!
But, she probably lives in your fence...
Or shed.
(Aussies in the know,
know that this one is not really scary...
you barely need a trip
to hospital for this one!)
But the Funnel Web...
The fangs of this spider will
pierce through your skin,
sink venom into your blood
and send you off in an ambulance.

And lastly,
the White Tailed Spider.
Dad knows about this one...
One sank it’s fangs into him...
Poured venom into his veins...
And left a crater of pussy muck
in his elbow!
This spider won’t kill you –
It’ll just rot your skin!

We Aussies must be tough
to deal with these
nasty little critters
on a daily basis!
Some truth about these deadly animals...
In the last 50 years:
Crocodiles have only killed 100 people.
The box jelly fish has killed 63.
The funnel web has killed 13.
The great white shark ate 11.
Five were killed by snake bites.
The blue-ringed octopus only got 2
And the stone fish didn’t kill anyone!
Neither did the red back spider...
Isn’t anti-venom great!
Come visit Australia...
The animals are waiting to meet you!

If you don't believe me... check here and here!

1 comment:

Wenlen said...

Do you mean meet or maybe eat you.