Friday, September 9, 2011

Drink Up!

My recycle bin has been
more rattly lately...
Glass bottles have clunked
against each other
as I dragged the bin
to the roadside.
So I thought I’d find a few
reasons I should drink wine.
I was stunned to find several pages
boasting various reasons
explaining why wine is good for us.
Being lazy...
I went to the first site thrown up by google...
Here’s what they have to say – in my own words:
Reason One – Memory Retention
Apparently, a study left no doubt that a daily glass of wine can help with your memory!  It seems that wine contains properties which help reduce blood clots and avoid blood vessels from becoming inflamed.
Need I go further?
Why not...
Reason Two – Boost Your Immune System
There’s something called a helicobacter pylori bacteria...  I’m happy to call it a nasty helicopter.  Luckily, wine has something which can fight these bad helicopters!  If you drink wine, you might save yourself from gastritis, stomach cancers and ulcers.
And... as little as a half a glass can help stop minor food poisoning!  Woohoo!
Reason Three – Weight Watching
Ok, I’ve been blaming my weight gain on the extra wines... let’s hope for good news here.
Right... beer = packed with calories.
Wine = lower calorie content. 
Apparently, the alcohol in wine actually burns calories! (Only if you drink a glass or two a day... more than that, forget about it!)
Reason Four = Healthy Bones
(Even better, this applies to women more than men!)
Alcohol increases oestrogen levels – which slows down the degradation of old bones, so... moderate wine drinking increases bone density in women.
Reason Five – Fight Cancer
The old anti-oxidants!
These little guys have the potential to prevent cancer and other problems related to aging.
Reason Six – Prevent Diabetes
Huh!  Wine seems to help control blood sugar issues.  Lucky again!  Women who drink one or two glasses a day have significantly lower risks or experiencing type 2 diabetes.
Reason Seven – Happiness!
There’s lots of talk about “moderation”...
But it’s usually one OR two glasses
Which provide the most benefit!
I’m only on my first glass....


snofridandbeyond said...

Beam me up!!!

The Hairy Cow said...


snofridandbeyond said...

Beam me up!!!