Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fear, Dread and Loathing

There has always been something I have feared, something I have dreaded.
The microphone.
Even worse - the microphone, an untamed mass of children and a few adults in a crowded space.
The thought of turning the microphone on was enough to cause my palms to sweat!
I would look around, hopefully, looking for someone to step in and take over... I would step back and make room for the brave men and women who were prepared to face the microphone.
I could only imagine my voice - booming out across the heads of the crowded space.... to have everyone look my way and be forced to listen to my voice... cold sweat would trickle down my back at the very thought!
Come graduation day, a microphone would be tossed into my sweaty hands and my knees would shake as I stuttered my way through the necessary words.
Its difficult to understand why a microphone could be so intimidating!
Recently, I made a choice!
I decided that I would no longer be so afraid of the microphone!
I would control it.
I could flick that little switch, lean towards the microphone and throw my voice across the huge land before me!
I would no longer be afraid.
Since I decided that I could use the microphone, there has been no going back. I am a fan of the microphone and now use it freely and without care!

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