Friday, April 8, 2011

Those Who Can't - Charcoal Faces

We've been at the art lessons, again.
Charcoal - my favourite...
Over the years,
I have learned that everyone looks like an artist
When they use charcoal!
Even the 10 and 11 year olds in my class
look like they are bursting with talent...
well, some of them!
It was great watching the kids
as they realised that they could succeed in art!

(Some of them struggle in most other areas)

Ok... some of the kids still need a little more teaching...
But some are great.
I was tempted to add one of my niece's drawings...
She's only 5...
But her work would blend in with these.
Look at the eyes on this one -
Imagine if one day...
I'm walking in an art gallery
and there... in front of me...
is a masterpiece
belonging to one of my students!
(I've got it covered!
Any of my students who earn
a million dollars from their art
have to give me 5% of their earnings!
Its in the contract!)


Anonymous said...

this made me giggle. I used to teach kids art and have often had thoughts similar to collecting a commission when they get famous!!

wenlen said...

looks like they really enjoyed it. Shame maths and spelling cant be as much fun to learn

Snofrid and Beyond said...

I think you should put my elephant on there!