Wednesday, December 29, 2010

No Limbs - No Limits

Today, I turned many pages of a book...

I lifted a drink to my mouth, sipping at leisure...

I weeded...

I picked vegetables from my garden...

I held timber and screws as a fence was made...

I climbed a fence...

I watered my garden...

I brushed my teeth and flushed the toilet...

I scratched an itchy nose

and held my nieces and nephew in my arms...

I drove my car and searched the ‘Net.

All day, my fingers were moving, my feet were moving...

... And then, I watched a short video clip...

... and wiped a tear away with my finger.

Nick can’t do that.

For reasons unknown, Nick Vujicic was born without limbs.

Imagine, a friend has just given birth. You visit and hold the baby gently in your arms. Curious fingers reach out and hold ten tiny fingers and ten tiny toes.

Baby arms and legs, covered in wrinkly skin...

Nick never had arms or legs.

Nick’s an Aussie, born in Brisbane in 1982.

Growing up, there were times where I was self-conscious and worried about what people thought of me...and I am so normal-looking that most people would hardly have noticed me! How must Nick have felt – surely it was much, much worse for him.... Everywhere he went, people would have stopped and stared... gawked and leered... questioned and wondered.

A person with no arms or legs! It’s no wonder he suffered though depression and loneliness.

But that was when he was growing up – Now, he’s spreading hope and inspirational stories wherever he goes. For a man unable to hug anyone, Nick sure receives a lot of hugs! It’s because he has the ability to put life into perspective. He tells people that they are worth something... that they are important.... that they are beautiful – and let’s face it- we all need to hear that!

Nick now lives in America, is the president of Life Without Limbs and has a Motivational Speaking Company – Attitude is Altitude.

I love that Nick’s face is so open and smiling. Listen to him speak – and watch the reactions of the teenagers in the clip. Nick’s words will lie inside those teenagers for years to come. When they feel down, his memory will be there to help them back up again.

Watch Nick speak –

see if you don’t wipe away a tear...

And then...

List all of the things you do with your hands....

Things Nick can never do...

And know,

life really is great!

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