Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Christmas Bush Problem

You wake in the night and roll out of bed.
You stumble in the dark,
eyes closed with sleep.
Your body knows the way,
but it's still bumping into corners.
You're almost there, when..
it happens.

The thick stream of spider web wipes across your face.

You feel it pull and stretch.

You imagine the scuttling of spider legs

running across your nose.

Arms flash out, swiping at the cobwebs,

swiping at imagined spiders.

Eyes dart open in panic.

Back in bed, eyes continue to dart

in search of big bodied spiders.

Arms still swipe at imagined cobwebs,

the feeling lingering for hours.

Sleep is lost.

This is what I thought when I saw this:

and this...
I grabbed an empty jar and the spider lies in it still.
I'll deal with it...
... later.

Of course, if the spider had looked like this:

Maybe, I would have let it stay.

(This Hawaiian rainforest spider is closely related to the black widow spider. It is not known to be dangerous to humans in any way. The strange patterns in the spider’s yellow abdomen often take the form of a smiling face, although sometimes the markings are less obvious or even absent. Some happy face spiders can actually have markings reminiscent of a frowning or screaming face! It is on the endangered animal list, due to its limited range and the reduction of its natural habitat. )

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