Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Surfice Dog

Ricochet is a cool surfer chick.
Well, not a chick… a dog.
(And, she’s won several
surf dog competitions!
I didn’t know there was
such a thing to win!)
Her friends call her Ricki.
So, another dog who enjoys
 standing on a surfboard??
Ricki is more than that.
She’s been trained to work
 with people with disabilities,
as an assistant dog.
She surfs with kids
and people with disabilities.
Even though Ricki began her training
at a very early age,
she just wasn’t cut out
to being a service dog.
After several false starts
and much frustration,
Ricki’s owner – Judy Fridono,
stopped fighting
and let Ricki enjoy herself.
When Ricki was 15 months old,
she placed third
in her first surfing contest.
That’s when Ricki earned
her title of SURFice Dog.
The first person Ricki surfed beside
 was Patrick Ivison, a quadriplegic surfer.
After catching a few waves
beside each other, Ricki suddenly jumped
 from her board on to Patrick’s board
and they caught their first
 wave in together.
And, there was no going back!
Now, Ricki rides the waves
with anyone who will
ride them with her.
 I can only imagine the smiles
 on their faces as they ride
 the waves with surfice dog Ricki! 
She also involves herself
in fundraising campaigns,
 to help people
living with disabilities.
Check out her webpage
to find out more.
Or, her facebook page.

1 comment:

snofrid said...

That is a cool dog!