Sunday, October 14, 2012

Be Bald and Free

Be Bald and Free Day

Reasons to be bald:
You get huge savings on shampoo 
There's no hairdryer needed 
There's no need to clean
the shower drain of long hair 
 Waterfalls feels great
on a bald head  
Chosing to shave your hair
can leave you feeling liberated
and amazingly fresh 
 You can sleep in –
less “getting ready” time
You can wear funky hats
or draw cool pictures on your head

Reasons against being bald:
it gets cold 
those stares you get
from curious people

While the idea of going bald
is horrifying to many women,
it’s interesting to consider
how much time is spent
by women removing
all of the hair from the other
 parts of their body…
and yet, they fear a bald head!
 (I dare you to go bald for a while!
Can you imagine a bald cow –
now that would look ugly!!)

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