Saturday, October 6, 2012

Grab It - While You Can!

Today is Come And Take It Day.

Even google didn’t have a lot
 to offer on this one.
It seems to be exactly as it sounds
 – come and take
whatever is there…
I have a bunch of furniture
I am ready to get rid of.
I was going to use
the very Australian method
of removal and “dump it
on the roadside with a FREE sign”
 and watch it all get carted away,
through closed blinds…
But, I wasn’t quite ready
 to haul it up my driveway!
Now, I’m having second thoughts!
What better day to fill
the neighbourhood with my
 unwanted furniture than today?!
When the neighbours
get upset with me,
I can justify my actions
by explaining today’s day!
 I can look super intelligent
for even knowing about today and,
 I will look like
 I really do get in and
celebrate things with style!
Oh, street furniture dumping
 never looked so appealing!
the constant patter
of sprinkling rain
is a strong barrier between me
 and the outside…
I just can’t seem to drag myself
out the front door today…
so, my furniture plan
will have to hold out
 a little longer!
(But, being most people don’t know
 about Come and Take It Day,
I could put up a sign
on a different day
and no one would know…)

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