Thursday, October 25, 2012


Sourest Day
Had this day been yesterday,
I may have found myself venting
some sour thoughts!
Luckily, it’s today, not yesterday…
and I am much calmer.
So, instead…
World Pasta Day.
I lived in rural Thailand for a year.
I ate rice every day.
Sometimes, for a little twist
 in my diet – a little fun…
I’d have noodles!
While I loved the rice –
enjoyed the many styles of rice…
those noodle treats
were very memorable!
Now, I eat less rice…
but, I still love pasta.
I love it so much;
I will often sneak a string
of pasta from a freshly boiled pot!
(I’m such a rebel!)
It doesn’t even need sauce
on it for me to love it.
But what about those carbs??
The pasta people think its ok
 to eat pasta –
they say pasta is incredibly
healthy and beneficial.
(Of course they do!)
They suggest it’s the sauces we add
we need to be careful about.
I’m listening to them…
they are the pasta people,
after all!
I will no longer feel guilty
eating a huge bowl of pasta!
Happy Pasta Day!
(World Pasta Day was established
in Rome, Italy
on October 25th 1995.)

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