Wednesday, October 24, 2012

For The Kids

United Nations Day

Tomorrow, we’ll be dressing
in our bluest blue clothes
and donating a coin or two
to support the kids around the world
 who will not go to school.
While this may seem like
a dream come true to many people,
(not going to school)
is no dream life.
So many kids
cannot afford to go to school.
 Their parents cannot afford
to let them go to school –
as the kids usually
spend their days earning money.
Some kids live in such remote areas,
that schooling is not impossible.

Luckier kids get to school.
They may not have eaten that day…
and they may not be wearing shoes
 (which they cannot afford),
they may have to travel
a couple of hours
before reaching their classroom.
They may not have books,
pencils or shoes.
Their teacher may not be qualified.
I remember being in a school
in remote Thailand,
where some generous business people
had donated computers to the school.
This was an incredibly generous gift,
though the computers could not be used…
 the school had no electricity!

We’ll be raising some money
for some kids who have
far less opportunites
to obtain an education…
an education which may provide
more hopeful and positive futures.


With around 7 billion and 75 million
 people on the earth,
we need to be united!
Check this page to
as it continues to grow.
(It’s a little staggering to watch, really.)


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