Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Magic Day

I’m feeling cynical today…
so I’m admitting I’ve never been
especially impressed by magic.
That coin that suddenly appears
when someone reaches behind your ear.
 Yeah, sure…
I wouldn’t have felt a coin
sitting behind my ear!

What I most dislike about magic…
is the frustration!
I want to know how the tricks are done!
 I want to know the trick!
 But, my mind
is not a trick-learning mind
and I struggle to understand,
or even see, the trick!
I hate not knowing something!
I hate it even more
when people around me all get it
and I am still left wondering,
puzzled and increasingly frustrated
 and annoyed.
How could I possibly enjoy magic
with these negative vibes all around me?
 If you like magic –
today is your day…
pull flowers from your sleeve,
pull rabbits from hats
and collect coins from people’s ears!

(I do like trick where the ladies
change clothes
behind a flowing sheet of fabric…
but, again…
the frustration!


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

How Would you Like Your Funeral?

Create A Great Funeral Day

I guess you should plan
your own funeral today…
It’s Halloween tomorrow
and that’s when the earth opens up
 and all of the scary creatures escape…
 if you don’t dress up
and look scary too,
they will most likely kill you.
 Good to be prepared with a good funeral!

I want a sunny day.
If that’s not possible,
I want a rippin’ good storm.
Thunder booming and
lightning tearing across the sky…
 Rain pelting down
and turning the ground to mud.
I’m going for cremation…
and then, scattering.
(while this may be illegal,
I still want to be scattered,
so this may have to be done
on another stormy night,
so no one sees! –
Nope, It’s ok.
 I just checked with the
nd they said it’s ok to scatter ashes
 because all micro-organisms
are killed off in the 750–900 degrees fire…
 though, you need permission
from councils to dump ashes
in their parks, etc.
So… back to dark clothes
and stormy nights,
so you avoid the pages of paperwork!)
I’m not really a fan of funerals…
I’m not too concerned about my own.
 I expect a few tears will be shed
 and someone will say a few nice words…
and then someone will talk about
my weird habits and strange behaviour
and everyone will enjoy a little chuckle.
I like the Thai style
of having a party for a few days…
 streets are closed to traffic,
music blares until all hours
and my life could be celebrated.
It might be fun to have me laid out
 on the dining room table l
ike in the “old’ days!
Then, everyone would cover their mirrors…
(You know I’m coming back
to play tricks on you!
Covered mirrors won’t stop me!)
Music? – I don’t really care.
I like most music anyway.
Food? I won't be eating it!
Clothes for the bereaved… colourful.
Whatever is in season and plentiful.
If you can get them from the
side of the road
(again – dark clothes and
under cover of night!)
go for it!
And the coffin – cheap and nasty is fine –
 it’s being burned at 750-900 degrees anyway!!
Clothes… something comfy –
though, they will be burned, too…
so who cares!
My organs – take them out…
give them to anyone who wants them!
Respectful mourning time…
give me a couple of days,
at least
and then you can sell of my stuff
and move on with your life.

So, in conclusion…
If you can burn me in a bonfire –
go for it.
Otherwise, do whatever you need to do…
but know I’ll be watching!


Monday, October 29, 2012


Hermit Day

Can’t post…
embracing Hermit Day.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Vaseline Works!

For some reason,
I don’t have a special
or a crazy day to celebrate today.
Incredible as it may seem…
it’s the truth.
So, I could just let the day
sneak quietly past, h
oping no one notices…
But, no. 
I decided I’d check back in
with the Bali Boys
and see whether the mountains
of Vaseline jars are actually
making a difference
to the lives of the boys.
You might remember,
not long ago,
I posted about Komang and Gede
 – village boys who have to suffer,
each day,
from an uncomfortable skin condition.
The claim was that Vaseline
would be the amazing cure
the boys needed…
only, Vaseline is not sold
in Indonesia!
So, a request was made –
for travellers to bring Vaseline
for the boys…
and soon enough,
truck loads of Vaseline
were being delivered.
 (Way to go!)
The kids are receiving the Vaseline,
 which their mothers apply…
and they are looking much better.
 It’s amazing,
what the kindness of strangers
can achieve – and the difference
it can make in people’s lives!

All reports confirm the lives
of the boys have improved considerably.
They are more alert…
Komang’s eyesight has improved
and the boys are happier…
because of Vaseline!


Photos from the
Bali Vaseline Drive facebook page
here and here.


Saturday, October 27, 2012

Make a Difference

In 1990, this day was set up
as a way to recognise
the millions of people who volunteer…
people who help others…
people who make the lives
of other people much easier,
often by doing little things.
It doesn’t matter what you do today,
 so long as you do something
 to help someone out.
If you are a little lost for ideas…
I have a few:
wash my car (or someone else’s!)
weed my garden (or someone else’s!)
plant my next season’s seedlings
(or someone else’s!)
climb on my roof
and remove the sticks and leaves
 and fix the gutter guard
(or do this for someone else!)
write my hundreds of report comments
(or help someone else do theirs!)
clean my house (or someone else’s!).
You might have bigger plans -
cook a dinner for someone
who won’t expect it,
paint someone’s house
or fix a broken gate…
Just make a difference…
and you’ll feel great
for having helped someone out!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Let It All Out

Howl At The Moon Day

Sometimes, you just need a reason
 to get a little crazy!
Climb onto the roof
of your house tonight
and howl yourself silly!

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Sourest Day
Had this day been yesterday,
I may have found myself venting
some sour thoughts!
Luckily, it’s today, not yesterday…
and I am much calmer.
So, instead…
World Pasta Day.
I lived in rural Thailand for a year.
I ate rice every day.
Sometimes, for a little twist
 in my diet – a little fun…
I’d have noodles!
While I loved the rice –
enjoyed the many styles of rice…
those noodle treats
were very memorable!
Now, I eat less rice…
but, I still love pasta.
I love it so much;
I will often sneak a string
of pasta from a freshly boiled pot!
(I’m such a rebel!)
It doesn’t even need sauce
on it for me to love it.
But what about those carbs??
The pasta people think its ok
 to eat pasta –
they say pasta is incredibly
healthy and beneficial.
(Of course they do!)
They suggest it’s the sauces we add
we need to be careful about.
I’m listening to them…
they are the pasta people,
after all!
I will no longer feel guilty
eating a huge bowl of pasta!
Happy Pasta Day!
(World Pasta Day was established
in Rome, Italy
on October 25th 1995.)

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

For The Kids

United Nations Day

Tomorrow, we’ll be dressing
in our bluest blue clothes
and donating a coin or two
to support the kids around the world
 who will not go to school.
While this may seem like
a dream come true to many people,
(not going to school)
is no dream life.
So many kids
cannot afford to go to school.
 Their parents cannot afford
to let them go to school –
as the kids usually
spend their days earning money.
Some kids live in such remote areas,
that schooling is not impossible.

Luckier kids get to school.
They may not have eaten that day…
and they may not be wearing shoes
 (which they cannot afford),
they may have to travel
a couple of hours
before reaching their classroom.
They may not have books,
pencils or shoes.
Their teacher may not be qualified.
I remember being in a school
in remote Thailand,
where some generous business people
had donated computers to the school.
This was an incredibly generous gift,
though the computers could not be used…
 the school had no electricity!

We’ll be raising some money
for some kids who have
far less opportunites
to obtain an education…
an education which may provide
more hopeful and positive futures.


With around 7 billion and 75 million
 people on the earth,
we need to be united!
Check this page to
as it continues to grow.
(It’s a little staggering to watch, really.)