Saturday, February 11, 2012

Peppermint Patties - Please!

With the taste of Nutella
fading from my tongue,
it’s time for another
delicious “Crazy Day”. 
Today is a great one...
Peppermint Patty Day!

I remember,
way back when I was much younger,
holding a peppermint patty in my hand. 
The brilliant green wrapper
held the round patty... 
The minty smell lingered
around the edges of the foil...
and the first bite...
It has been so long
since I ate a peppermint patty. 
So long...
Looking for information about this wonderful day, I stumbled across someone else’s blog.  They had spent some time making peppermint patties from scratch.  Apparently, the homemade kind are so much better than the mass-produced-commercial-kind.  (This hardly comes as a surprise!)  I find myself a little busy at the moment... a lot of stuff I have to do... So, unfortunately... I would have much difficulty making peppermint patties for myself... but, I know two very talented people and am publicly admitting that I would love to arrive home to a slightly-cooler-than-hot coffee and a home-made peppermint patty.
Just in case, here’s the recipe:
adapted from Joy of Baking
and taken from here
2 cups powdered sugar
1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
2 tablespoons evaporated milk
1/4 teaspoon vegetable oil
1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
drop of peppermint extract
1-2 cups chocolate chips
In an electric mixer, beat first 5 ingredients until smooth. Scoop into a bowl and place in the refrigerator to set. Once firm, roll into one inch balls. Push down to flatten. Set in freeze for another 60 minutes.
Melt chocolate chips in a double boiler. Remove patties from freezer and dip in chocolate, setting on wax paper. Freeze again until ready to eat.

1 comment:

wenlen said...

Did you get a nice coffee and some home made peppernint patties. Len has a pot of chillie saucs on if that will do instead.