Thursday, November 15, 2012

Ditch the Stuff

Use Less Stuff Day

I like this day!
I use very little “stuff”.
I don’t like cleaning-
so I don’t use
a lot of cleaning “stuff”.
I don’t like shopping,
so I don’t often go out
 and just buy “stuff”.
I don’t buy a lot of food “stuff”…
I think I celebrate this day
most days of the year!
 Coming up to the festive season,
people run around…
fighting for car parks
and jostling their way
through over-crowded shopping centres,
to buy “stuff”.
The stuff is then wrapped
in more stuff
and handed to different people.
 Often, the people
getting the stuff
don’t really like the stuff –
 or want the stuff –
and the stuff is thrown away.

This is the time
When our recycling bins
 are overflowing with stuff
and our rubbish bins
spill over with stuff.
This year, Use Less Stuff Day
might help us all prepare
to collect less stuff,
collect less packaging
with our stuff,
to recycle and reuse
more efficiently and to have
 less stuff to clean
from our homes in 2012.

Use Less Stuff today!

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