Friday, September 28, 2012

Really? You Asked That?

Ask A Stupid Question Day

Straight away, you think Crazy, right?
Teachers set this one up, apparently…
they wanted to get
those quiet kids asking questions.
No question is stupid,
they said…
ask anything,
they said…
and so, we have
Ask A Stupid Question Day.

I was surprised to find
several sites where people
had listed stupid questions…
asked by tourists
and people "in general". 

It seems people really do ask
 stupid questions sometimes,
and not just in celebration
of this interesting day!

I remember being asked once,
“When does a baby elk
turn into a moose?”
when I was travelling.
And, possibly my favourite…
“Why is Lake Louise so blue?”
(ok, the question itself
is pretty reasonable,
but the frustrated answer was funny)
 Answer – “Oh, we drain it
every year and paint the bottom,
then we fill it back in again.
It’s a pretty big festival.” 
When the tourist rang the hotel
 and asked about the festival,
so he could make a booking
for the next year,
the guy with the clever answer
lost his job.

Sometimes, stupid questions
are asked in earnest…
they really are genuine.

In Thailand, I was asked whether
we have the same sun in Australia…
that was a pretty crazy question!

Being Ask a Stupid Question Day,
the Cow challenges you to ask
someone a really stupid question today.
 Ask it with an honest,
questioning look on your face
and watch to see
the person’s reaction…
and then, listen for the answer.
Have fun!

 (Today is also Good Neighbour Day.
Thanks to my neighbours for being so good!)

(And… Today is also
Hug A Vegetarian Day.
If you know a vegetarian –
give them a big hug!
If you are a vegetarian,
make someone hug you!)
Such a busy day!


1 comment:

snofrid said...

Shame that one is during the holidays! I don't have good neighbours, but I can hug a vego!