Friday, September 14, 2012

Chocolate Days of Old

Not long ago…
The Cow was celebrating Crazy Days
Every day! 
Umbrella Day or Almond Day…
it was enough for a celebration. 
But then, the Cow wandered out
 to the back paddocks
and has been roaming there
 for some time now.
It’s time to bring her back
 for more crazy celebrations.
The first thing needing to be
celebrated has already slipped by,
 unnoticed… uncelebrated
and for that,
I am deeply sorry.
I’ve been told that the
 13th of September was…
International Chocolate Day.
International is the big time
- and chocolate…
I’m always ready to celebrate
 a chocolate day!
And yet, I missed this fantastic day.
So, let’s rewind and recap…
13th September…
Let’s rewind even further!
1900BC, or… possibly as early as 1100BC
 – seems that’s when we first
started eating cacoa beans.
(Time to thank the Aztecs
and Mayan civilizations!)
Hands Off the Chocolate –
the ancient Mayans knew what
they were talking about!

Luckily for us,
the Europeans added milk and sugar…
and chocolate was created!
Forgetting all the reasons we should
 avoid eating chocolate
and embracing all the reasons
 chocolate is good for us
– we know chocolate is linked
 to the release of endorphins…
and we know endorphins
make us feel better…
lift our mood
and are like a big hug…
There is really no argument
good enough to stop us
from eating chocolate – and,
with yesterday being
International Chocolate Day…

it is almost compulsory for us
 to divulge in the deliciousness
 that is chocolate.
Eat up!!

1 comment:

Snofrid said...

Now I want chocolate....