Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sustainable Celebrations

It’s the first time I have
heard about this day
But the day has been
celebrated for ten years now.
Growing up...
“Green” was a bit uncool...
I guess that made us a bit uncool.
Our vegetable scraps were
always buried into the garden.
We were not allowed to waste
or water
or toilet paper!
 Ours was always a recycling house
And hand-me-downs were a part of life.
So, I guess
It should come as no surprise that
my house is pretty sustainable.
Today, solar panels on my roof
generated almost double
my daily electricty needs.
(and it’s only spring!)
My front lawn has become a native garden.
My backyard has a patch or lawn surrounded
 by vegetable gardens and fruit trees.
I watered the gardens this afternoon
with water from the water tank.
Dinner included salad greens
fresh from the garden.
I recycle...
And use a bokashi bin.
Apparently an average
Australian household
will generate enough greenhouse
gas each day to fill
more than 700 balloons...
And draws an average of
73 000 buckets of water a year –
equal to about 12 baths a day.
Sustainable House Day is a great time
to take little steps towards
making your home
a little more green...
Because, today...
Green is cool.

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