Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gold Field - Go For It

Right, you lot.
I've taught you everything
you need to know...
so today...
Go for it!
Free choice!
Your art has to represent something
from the Gold Fields.
You can use
watercolours, paint,
charcoal, ink, pencils
or oil pastels.
I'd love to see you use
more than one of them!

That was the instruction.
This is the result:

 Mining camp tents

 Stone buildings

Old homes

The famous gold nugget-
which the kids all wish
they could find!

Miners heading to the

Miners boiling water
for a cup of tea 

and miners at a general store.

Imagine how our
room looks now!


snofrifandbeyond said...

So talented! Wish you had of been my art teachet!

Wenlen said...

You have to be happy with the results, there are some budding artists amongst these