Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spring into Wattle

Gone are the long,
and windy days
of winter.

Here are the fresh,
blue skies...
the scatterings of bright flower beds
and the warmth of the sun.

It's Spring!

And that means...
Wattle Day!
Break off a sprig or two of
Australia's native flower.
Brighten your day with their bright colour.
Cheers to Spring!

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fields of Yellow

I love yellow flowers.
I always have.
They are so bright....
... so happy!
They make a room warm and happy.
So, today is perfect for me!
It’s Yellow Flower Day!
Daffodil Day!
Daffodil Day is the
Cancer Council’s
biggest fundraiser.
The bright yellow flowers
encourage us to think
of a brighter future
a future without cancer.
This year is the 25th anniversary of Daffodil Day.
Not only will these flowers
bring happiness to a room,
they will also bring hope
and research money
to fight cancer.
Happy Daffodil Day!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gold Field - Go For It

Right, you lot.
I've taught you everything
you need to know...
so today...
Go for it!
Free choice!
Your art has to represent something
from the Gold Fields.
You can use
watercolours, paint,
charcoal, ink, pencils
or oil pastels.
I'd love to see you use
more than one of them!

That was the instruction.
This is the result:

 Mining camp tents

 Stone buildings

Old homes

The famous gold nugget-
which the kids all wish
they could find!

Miners heading to the

Miners boiling water
for a cup of tea 

and miners at a general store.

Imagine how our
room looks now!

Pen Lines

Today you have to colour in...
with pen,
I told them.

They didn't take many
photos back then,
I told them,
They drew pictures instead,
I told them...
with ink...

And so they drew with ink....
Using lines to create detail
and shadow.

And they did really well...

And... because they studied
original Gold Field era art
they learned so much
about homes, clothes,
mining equipment and
life on the Gold Fields.

(Sneaky, aren't I!)

Bushrangers About!


Bushrangers About!

This artist has featured
on a few of the art posts.
She frequently earns our
"Artist of the Week" award.

The kids are getting
so confident with their

Of course,
we are still working
on our spelling!

This was a fun and easy
art lesson for the kids!

Eucalypt Twist

Painting time.
A weakness of mine...

But, with bold colours,
texture and simple shapes...
You can't go wrong!

The kids were allowed
to get dirty with these...
Dabbing blobs of paint
onto the page
and using fingers
to create a textured look.

The room was instantly brighter
once these were
hanging on the wall!

Draw me an Egyptian Pharaoh

A new term
A new topic
We are learning about the
Australian Gold Rush now.
The kids get an intro into Gold
through the Egyptian Pharaohs.

These are their
Pharaoh drawings...

I liked the face
on this one...

The kids love art.

These two have funny eyes!


When we were learning about Thailand
we looked at pictures and videos
of elephants.
When we stumbled on a
fantastic image of a
black and white
computer generated elephant
the kids wanted to replicate it.
So, we did...

Black paper
white and grey paint

Ours are not as good
as the original,
or course
but the kids liked them

I'm not too sure...

I'd like to go back and
layer up with
oil pastels...

The kids have shown me
that they believe
in their ability now.  
"We can do it. 
Why can't we give it a go?" 
That's their belief -
 I can't really ask for more!
It's been a very long time
since I heard:
"I can't draw."

Friday, August 12, 2011


Ok, I've got no Internet...
sad story - 
but it doesn't warrant attention...
I know that today is a very important day
for some...
not for me.
So, should I post something?
Should I try to get online?

I did try at work...
but it didn't work
so, I should have given up...
But, no...

So, I went to my middle sister 
and she kindly let me on her computer...
because she is the 
middle child in our family
and today is important 
to her.

Happy Middle Child Day!!!

(I am a little jealous!
when is Eldest Child Day?)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


So, Beer Day either started with
 a bunch of mates sitting around
coming up with reasons for drinking...
or for a real reason...
Incredibly, it wasn’t a group of mates!
In 1933, in the United States, there had been a prohibition on beer since 1920.  for 13 years, it was a dry country.  (I can hear my brother-in-laws and my father choking on their beers right now.  13 years without a beer! 
Or a wine, for that matter!)
President Roosevelt ended the dry spell.
He signed a law stating
that beer could be sold again,
as of the 7th of April, 1933.
The alcohol content could
be no more than 3.2%.
Imagine the line ups
at the breweries on the 6th of April.
Once midnight struck,
they could legally
buy and drink beer!

And, that...
Dear drinkers...
Is how New Beer’s Eve
came about, now followed
with a hair of the dog on the
 7th – National Beer Day.
Being that people the world over love beer,
other countries took up the
 drinking celebration and so –
International Beer Day was declared!
This day was first
celebrated in August 2008.
You don’t have to donate anything...
You don’t have to buy anything...
There are no sad stories of
misfortune or hardship...
You just have to drink!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Boobs Out

Boobs Out!
(@ )  (@)
Imagine, more than 170 countries
are celebrating Breastfeeding Week.
To me, breastfeeding was what happened
when you had a baby...
No questions.
I didn’t realise that women were being shunned...
That they were huddled into dingy rooms
or smelly bathrooms,
feeding their babies.
I didn’t know that breastfeeding
was something to be ashamed of...
Or embarrassed by...
I clearly remember an advertisement
 with a lady eating a hamburger
while sitting in a public toilet cubicle...
The ad. was saying
that if adults don’t want to eat in a toilet
...the babies of the world
wouldn’t want to, either!
Breastfeeding provides babies
with everything they need...
Surely we all know that.
Other bonuses...
There’s no washing or sterilising...
There’s no cost.
It makes sense.
Luckily, the educated people are teaching the
uneducated that breastfeeding in public is fine.
Breastfeeding no longer needs to
take place in public toilets!
Some women are unable to feed
their babies from their breast...
Sometimes, it just doesn’t work.
Some babies are removed from their
mothers and can’t access breast milk...
Some babies lie in hospital beds
and their mothers are forced to attach
 pieces of plastic over their breasts
in order to express the milk their baby needs...
Some women are able to donate their milk,
allowing other babies access to breast milk...
And some women are
lucky enough that breastfeeding
 comes easily and naturally.
Breastfeeding mothers,
Get out there...
Get your boobs out there!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

I didn’t know much about cerebral palsy...
And after reading about it
I’ve realised that it covers
 just about every problem you could imagine.
It can cause problems with
physical movement, learning,
sight, hearing, speech and spatial awareness. 
Cerebral palsy sure puts in an effort to be horrid!
Luckily, it’s 2011 and cerebral palsy no longer
 means institutions or limited expectations.
Cerebral palsy sufferers are healthy
in all other ways –
they are just people stuck inside a body
that refuses to work the way we would expect it to. 
Cerebral Palsy Week reminds us to recognise
the achievements and strengths of people
with cerebral palsy (CP),
to understand and accept their CP,
but not limit them because of it.
My baby nephew will more than likely
develop cerebral palsy.
 After the initial surprise, I learned that CP
is the most common form of childhood disability. 
Every 18 hours, a child is born
who has or will develop CP. 
That’s one in 400 babies. 
Between 600 and 700 babies
are born with CP each year. 
That means, that in the 18 hours
around my nephew’s birth,
another 399 new babies will develop CP.
CP is not contagious.
It’s not a disease.
It won’t “go away”.
It’s not hereditary.
It doesn’t get worse...
the symptoms might change,
or they may become more obvious later in life,
 but they don’t get worse.
The good news :
Most people with CP can expect
to be healthy over their normal life span.
They can learn. 
They can do anything they like –
they may just have to fight harder to get there.
And, most importantly, they can love. 
They can care.
And my nephew will be loved.
So, he may need glasses...
He may need hearing aides...
His speech may take some effort to understand
He may have epilepsy...
And learning may be a struggle...
...But maybe not.
We have to wait
until he’s bigger to know for sure.

Regardless, it’s Cerebral Palsy Week.

It’s time to celebrate the strengths...
The achievements...
The success...
...Of those with CP.

Enjoy your week!!