Thursday, May 5, 2011

Silver Tongued

The sound of a knock at my door
was enough to send me into a mild panic.
Even when I knew someone
was due at my house, I'd worry. 
The hour leading up to their arrival
would see me start to pace and fret.
Answering the phone
to an unknown caller was also scary...
and calling someone...
... I needed a few deep breaths
before I'd even think about doing that!

I knew that's how it was...
I thought it would always be like that.
And then, I started Toastmasters.
Last weekend, I pulled open my phone and called Optus
without even thinking about it.
Now, I'm worried about people coming to my house
only because it's not very clean!
I didn't know it was happening
but I've gotten brave!
It didn't just happen -
but, it did happen easily.
I started Toastmasters.
Every fortnight, I would stand up
and say a few words at the start of meetings.
Before I knew it, I was giving speeches.
Now, I know I will be called on for an impromptu speech.
I know people expect me
to take on roles and give speeches.

Even more, I expect it of myself.
I've been in Toastmasters for two years.
It's difficult to remember how awkward I felt...
I really do feel confident and capable...
all because of Toastmasters.

This week marks the
25th anniversary
of my Toastmasters Club.


Snofrid and Beyond said...

Happy 25th Birthday!

Wenlen said...

So what did you call optus for?