Saturday, January 8, 2011

Great Excuse for Cake!

It’s Saturday,

and, like any other Summer Saturday,

people are out in their gardens.

I hear a whipper snipper and a lawn mower.

People are washing clothes and running off

to get their kids to their sporting venues.

The shops are filling with people

and the beaches are becoming crowded.

It’s a typical summer Saturday... except, it’s not.

It’s my birthday.

I’m 36.

I decided to google “36”...

36 is a square triangular number. It is the smallest square triangular number other than 1, and it is also the only triangular number whose square root is also a triangular number.

It is also a 13-gonal number.

36 is cool!

I know I’ll have a great year!

(Even if I don’t know what a 13-gonal number is! I did try to understand it, but gave up! You try - )

And then…

I stumble across this: The sum of the integers from 1 to 36 is 666 (the number of the devil).

Oops! Maybe I won’t have such a great year!

I figure, if I eat 36 berries and 36 pieces

of white chocolate, which have been folded into a

baked cheesecake, … I’ll have a good year.

If I get 36 hugs and kisses

from my nieces and nephews, … I’ll have a good year.

If I take 36 photos and swim in the river

for at least 36 minutes, … I’ll have a good year.

If I drink 36 glasses of wine, … Nah, Better not.

Happy Birthday!

1 comment:

wenlenl said...

I say the wine is a must.